Monday, July 2, 2012

After being away from my blog, here I come back after aeons. It has been such a hopeless strive with me that even the very thoughts of philosophising about it, disgusts me. I just want to label it somewhere that I was and perhaps would continue to be incapable of writing meaningfully to be able to let my creations grow as a baby in the form of a blog. I will perhaps crave to write and in one moment would all of a sudden rush back to scribble something and will not look back it for months and years again.
It is not perhaps just about this blog or my connection with words, it is about me and my life in general. It is about how consistent I am, words and thoughts stem from within and bear a reflection of our inner self and the fact that I am inconsistent reflects that I am INCONSISTENT and have done nothing, absolutely nothing about it.
I am sick of stagnation, the lack of inspiration gnaws. I want to fly across and break through all my self-created shackles.